Free APK of SwiftKey Tablet Keyboard
v4.0.0.128 Android full, you can download SwiftKey Tablet Keyboard
.Apk Android free full, download SwiftKey Tablet Keyboard
for Android format .Apk, SwiftKey Tablet Keyboard APK, full version
of SwiftKey Tablet Keyboard v4 .0.0.128 Android .APK Android APK
SwiftKey Tablet Keyboard v4.0.0.128.
SwiftKey 3 Tablet understands how words work together, giving much
more accurate corrections and predictions than
otherkeyboards. Very sloppy typing will magically make sense, even if
you miss spaces, and SwiftKey 3 Tablet also predicts your next
SwiftKey 3 Tablet learns the words and phrases you use, and how you interact with your keyboard as you use it, to make typing easier and even more accurate over time. You can also personalize it using your Gmail, Facebook, Twitter or blog posts.
SwiftKey is among Android's best selling apps for a reason -- it transforms your keyboard, making typing a breeze and saving you hassle every day.
LANGUAGES SUPPORTED: (enable up to three at once if you're multi-lingual)
- English (US)
- English (UK)
- Afrikaans
- Arabic
- Basque
- Bulgarian
- Catalan
- Croatian
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- Estonian
- French (CA)
- French (FR)
- Finnish
- Galician
- German
- Greek
- Hebrew
- Hungarian
- Icelandic
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Kazakh
- Korean
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Malay
- Norwegian
- Persian (Farsi)
- Polish
- Portuguese (BR)
- Portuguese (PT)
- Romanian
- Russian
- Serbian
- Spanish (ES)
- Spanish (US)
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Swedish
- Turkish
- Ukrainian
- Urdu
What's in this version : (Updated : Mar 26, 2013)
- SwiftKey Flow: World’s most accurate
gesture input, with next word prediction
- Flow Through Space: Gesture multiple words without lifting a
- Personalization:
More thorough learning of your language and typing style
- Better predictions: Enhanced language
engine, predictions in more text fields
- Easier corrections: Tap anywhere on a word to choose an
- 60 languages: Now including Albanian, Bosnian, Javanese,
Sundanese, Thai, Vietnamese
Download SwiftKey Tablet Keyboard.APK Android [Full] [Free]
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